High-Power Burn in with Test System

High-Power devices have become an industry standard. The HPB-4B Burn-In with Test System meets the challenges created by wide variation in heat dissipation, and the diverse burn-in needs of high-power devices. 

HPB-4B High-Power Burn-In with Test System
HPB-4B High-Power Burn-In with Test System 2


Meeting the Challenge of High-Power Device Burn-In


  • Individual temperature control for each device up to 600 W
  • Test devices at a maximum temperature of 150°C with a liquid-cooled heat-sink per device
  • Programmable clocks edges with 2-nanosecond edge resolution and 8 on-the-fly timing sets
  • System capacity of 14 burn-in boards (112 devices)
  • 12 vector formats per-pin per-cycle with memory testing extensions
  • 19 programmable voltage regulators provide 2060 amps of device current per burn-in board
  • High-speed clock programmable up to 800 MHz
  • 128 I/O signals per board
  • 64M vector memory, 8G scan


  • Device temperature is maintained throughout test ensuring accurate readings
  • Ensures proper thermal stress for each device
  • Exercise and test high pin count devices or more parts in parallel
  • More devices means higher throughputs which makes testing requirements more cost effective
  • High current regulators to supply required power to DUTs
  • Translate and run device test programs
  • Clock devices with built-in self-test at high speed
  • Test both logic and memory functions
  • Run large numbers of test vectors without time-consuming reloads
  • Flexible system protection control for more detailed reports of failures
  • Allows user to start multiple BIBs at different times

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